Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Kelli Moore

Kelli Moore

DEI Chair

Business Development Representative – Filtration Plus

Phone: 902-830-4733

ASHRAE is committed to providing a welcoming environment. Our culture is one of inclusiveness, acknowledging the inherent value and dignity of everyone. We proactively pursue and celebrate diverse and inclusive communities understanding that doing so fuels better, more creative, and more thoughtful ideas, solutions and strategies for the Society and the communities our Society serves. We respect and welcome all people regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, physical appearance, thought styles, religion, nationality, socioeconomic status, belief systems, sexual orientation or education.

What we do

The ongoing work of our DEI Committee consists of the following:

  • Facilitate communications between ASHRAE and other relevant organizations, and to work in collaboration with them, to promote and embed inclusion and diversity in the engineering, construction, and related sectors.
  • Recommend Chapter programs on DEI (webcasts, training and education program, newsletter articles, forums, conferences, and webinars).
  • Publish and regularly showcase the work of inspirational HVAC&R engineers from under-represented groups.
  • Develop/source chapter training programs to members on DEI including, but not limited to;
    • sexual harassment
    • high performance team building
    • recognizing and avoiding unconscious bias
  • Recommend to the local chapter Board of Directors (BOD) actions to increase and improve inclusion within ASHRAE and the HVAC&R Industry and help the Society meets its commitments to fairness and equal opportunities. Recommendations would be expected to apply to:
    • Appointments
    • Honors and Awards
    • Technical Group Membership
    • Volunteer Engagement
    • Chapter programs and initiatives
  • Monitor inclusion at the chapter level and assist the BOD by advising on policies and initiatives to improve inclusion amongst the membership.
  • Keep under review the Society’s policy and practices relating to equity and diversity.
  • Set and publish goals based on our gaps and missing indicators.
  • Advise the BOD on the nature of the data to be collected from current members and applicants that may improve inclusion.

Upcoming Events

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This site is maintained by the Halifax Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. The ASHRAE Halifax Chapter may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at http://www.ashrae.org.