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ASHRAE Halifax welcomes you to our September/May Monthly Meeting. In addition to our excellent presentation, this month’s theme is membership – so take advantage of some of the perks of membership by buying your ticket at the member rate! 

Other special information relative to the DAY or Venue.


Thank you to our event spsonsors:

Company AAA - presented by Representative Name A
Company BBB - presented by Representative Name B

TOPIC: Topic Title

Here is the description of the presentation. Images can be added to this section, if needed. Bullet points listed below too. This is usually a short paragraph, but can be up to 2 long ones, depending on the presenter.

This would be the second paragraph.


  • Example Bullet point, if relevant to presentation description
  • Example Bullet point, if relevant to presentation description.

Speaker(s) for this Evening/Afternoon

Name of 1st Presenter, any special letters after name

Role/Title - Companyname Inc.

Nice bio of the person presenting. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur et convallis lorem, sodales vulputate dolor. Fusce ultrices tellus ut bibendum finibus. Vestibulum lectus purus, ornare non tincidunt ac, fermentum ac turpis. Aliquam sed sodales arcu, vestibulum vulputate leo.

Name of 1st Presenter, any special letters after name

Role/Title - Companyname Inc.

Nice bio of the person presenting. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur et convallis lorem, sodales vulputate dolor. Fusce ultrices tellus ut bibendum finibus. Vestibulum lectus purus, ornare non tincidunt ac, fermentum ac turpis. Aliquam sed sodales arcu, vestibulum vulputate leo.

Agenda for the Evening/Afternoon

5:30 – Registration, cocktails, and visit sponsor booths

6:00 – Welcome, announcements and beginning of dinner

6:30 – Main presentation begins

7:30 – Closing remarks, cocktails, networking and visit sponsor booths



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Becoming a member gives you access to many perks, including the monthly ASHRAE Journal, improved networking and connection at the local and Society levels, discounts at local and Society events, and much, much more. Click the button below to begin the process! 

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This site is maintained by the Halifax Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. The ASHRAE Halifax Chapter may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at http://www.ashrae.org.